Let’s Talk: Making Activities a Priority

By Activity Category –  By Dimension of Wellness –  By Level of Assist –  Helpful Hint: Organizing activities into different categories can help you see which activity areas you may be lacking. What’s next? RTasks offers an activity scheduling tool that will help you create calendars as well as prompt your staff to chart attendance […]

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Let’s Talk: Reports in RTasks

by Sami, LPN The Reports feature in RTasks has been designed to provide our clients with an easy and efficient way to access important data and insights within the program.  I like to share with our users, “the more information you enter, the more you can pull into reports.” We have numerous reports and work […]

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Let’s Talk: Assisted Living Industry

By Carli Stensrud Many of us who work at RTasks have worked in Assisted Living settings. Our software works the way it does because it is developed by people who understand what it is like for those on the front lines of care. We are sensitive to real-life day to day challenges in this business. […]

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User Group Meetings

What is a User Group Meeting, you ask? We believe that connecting with our clients on a regular basis is beneficial for your overall understanding and effective use  of RTasks. We also believe that the best ideas come from you, our customers! We hold onsite and online meetings in hopes of capturing the majority of […]

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A New Pro-spective

Tracking prospective clients in RTasks is an important feature that assists the most diligent housing managers with the organization. We continue to update the Prospect Management tool in order to make this more useful for your marketing team. Check out recent updates to the RTasks marketing tool: RTasks is all about making your marketing efforts […]

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Are You Ready?

The Emergency Preparedness Plan for your facility should be complete, up-to-date, and accessible. Is yours?  Healthcare facilities bear responsibility for anticipating, planning and preparing for a variety of emergencies that could impact their residents.  The challenge is in creating an effective plan, identifying all factors to be considered, and creating a reliable system for periodic […]

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What’s on your list?

Starting new habits is January’s theme.  In the world of assisted living, the bar is set pretty high. New state requirements seem to always be just around the corner. Here’s how you can use RTasks more fully to maintain compliance in 2023. Compliance Tools A host of features on the RTasks platform give care providers […]

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Housing Newsletter

No more sticky notes! If you want to manage your prospect list without the hassle, look no further than RTasks!  Utilizing the RTasks prospect management system will help you get started on tracking and recording referral data. It also gives you a head-start on your resident profile data.  Here’s how it works: Enter your lead […]

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November 2022 Newsletter

Featuring ~ Technical Support Our mission is to provide quality software, fully-supported by a team of qualified professionals who  work to enhance our product and meet the requirements of our clients. We want to support you! LMS Courses – Our Learning Management System provides quality training that is self-paced and available on demand.  We give […]

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Why do pharmacies love RTasks?

RTasks is easy to use and designed for all levels of computer literacy. RTasks Software support is managed by RTasks’ clinical support team 24/7. There is less troubleshooting involved – RTasks’ end-user tools assist in med and resident reconciliation.  RTasks is a well-integrated, all-inclusive solution for facilities with clinical, billing, A/R functionality. RTasks web-based platform […]

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