245D/Group Home Newsletter

Posted on August 14th, 2023 to Residex Blogs

Let RTasks reports do the work for you 

The hallmark of RTasks is the variety and complexity of the reports we offer to our clients. 

In order to assist you with report discovery, we have several ways of organizing your report listing. 

Organizing Your Reports

  1. Manage report accessibility
  2. Tag your favorites
  3. Rename your reports

We also understand that you have specific reporting needs related to state requirements. We are always interested in knowing how we can assist you with updating your report options.

Requesting Report Updates

  1. Send feedback
  2. Send an email to support
  3. Give us a call at 1-866-512-8369 opt 2

If you are struggling to find the appropriate report for your needs, please contact our support team. We are always happy to help!

Passing survey with flying colors

Regulations can be daunting, but with RTasks they are “doable”!

RTasks is always evolving to assist clients with meeting survey requirements. Much of what is needed centers around your ability to manage daily documentation.

Here are some ways RTasks helps you document effectively.

Using the tools that RTasks offers will help you successfully track the progress of your residents. RTasks can also assist you with accessing and compiling the data prior to survey. No need to overthink this! Check out our documentation on Survey Prep.

Does your assessment measure up?

Evaluating your clients takes time and the right assessment tool. If you are using RTasks for your assessments, you have both at your fingertips. 

RTasks showcases comprehensive assessments in an easy-to-navigate online format. Plus, you get the added advantage of assessment summaries and reports that will help you stay compliant. Note: if you are not currently using RTasks assessments, please contact our support staff for assistance: support@residexsoftware.com

Recently, we have made the decision (based on feedback) to standardize assessments for the purpose of allowing changes and updates to be made for all users with greater accuracy and speed. This will ensure that your historical data stays intact. 

Assessments will continue to be customizable as needed per specific state requirements. Yet the majority of our clients will be able to utilize the standardized assessments in order to create the most accurate service plan. Our goal is to keep your data accurate and secure.

Please contact our support team if you would like to discuss this further at 1-866-512-8369 opt 2.

What is the outcome?

Capturing the outcomes of client goals is an important part of their care. In order to come up with appropriate followup actions and interventions, you need to be able to summarize the data.

RTasks can help you with this! Using goal-tracking services is the starting point. What’s next?

  1. Review documentation – use a report like “Service Outcome and Support”
  2. Identify actionable items – enter a note indicating what needs to be done
  3. Take steps toward intervention – update service plan to reflect changes in goals

RTasks provides the tools you need to take the next step in goal-tracking. If you are unsure how to proceed, please contact our support team at support@residexsoftware.com.

You are doing important work!

Our staff is aware of the difficult work you are doing every day. We appreciate your commitment to the disabled and vulnerable in your community. 

We would like to come alongside you with software and support that helps fill in the gaps. As always, please let us know of your needs and requirements. We look forward to your feedback.

Contact us at support@residexsoftware.com.

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