November 2023 – Newsletter Articles

Posted on November 29th, 2023 to Residex Blogs

ResiDex Blog

Enhancing Infection Control with RTasks Features

By Owen Van Sickle with RiiThink

Infection control is a critical part of the health and prosperity of residents in assisted living communities. To help staff and administrators boost their infection control, RTasks offers a range of features designed to streamline and improve the management of policies and practices, ensuring the highest safety for everyone involved in resident care.

Improve Policy Management

One of the fundamental elements of infection control is the adherence to established policies and procedures. With RTasks, you can easily add and manage Policies & Procedures, providing staff with quick and convenient access to this crucial information. These documents serve as a reference for staff, ensuring that they are aware of the correct protocols, helping maintain consistent and effective infection control practices within the facility.

Creating and modifying policies and procedures can be a collaborative effort, and RTasks simplifies this process. It enables you to create draft versions, publish them, and share them electronically with employees for review and acknowledgment. This feature promotes efficiency in updating infection control guidelines, allowing the staff to remain well-informed about the latest procedures and best practices.

Helpful Bulletins

Bulletins within RTasks serve as a valuable tool for communicating resident-specific information related to infections. Bulletins can be generated within the Resident Profile and will be visible from any service associated with the resident. In the context of infection control, this feature allows for the swift distribution of pertinent information, such as positive test results or important updates, ensuring that the staff can act promptly and effectively in response to changing situations.

Comprehensive Reporting

RTasks offers a wide array of reports, with over 1500 options available to meet the diverse needs of assisted living facilities. These reports can be instrumental in tracking infection control trends, conducting audits, and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. Report access is carefully controlled by supervisors, aligning with HIPAA requirements to maintain data security and confidentiality. Whether it’s clinical communication, regulatory compliance, or corporate requirements, RTasks provides the tools to compile, analyze, and share vital data related to infection control.

The variety of report types offered by RTasks enables facilities to gain comprehensive insights into infection control. From high-level summaries to detailed assessments, these reports make it easier to visualize trends and identify areas for improvement. 

At ResiDex, we understand that maintaining top-notch infection control practices in assisted living facilities is not just a requirement; it’s a commitment to the health and safety of both residents and staff. 

Q & A

Q: What is the best way to add a “reminder” for staff to give comfort meds 30 minutes prior to repositioning?

A: You can add a Reminder Service to the resident’s service plan to alert staff of this need.

More Info: You may also want to add a Bulletin to the resident’s profile with this information.

This Works Better

LMS courses are now stacked on the Today screen. You will no longer see a long list of courses. Instead, you will see one item showing you how many courses you have. Clicking this item will take you to the “My Courses” screen.

RTasks Connect: Coming in January 2024

RTasks Connect is a messaging system that promotes communication between your facility and staff, residents, or contacts. Not only does it allow for secure communication, but it also includes the ability to obtain electronic signatures on documents.

RTasks Connect will become available in January 2024​. There will be a minimal add-on fee for this new feature. ​For more information, please contact ​our ​sales ​team at

Report Highlight

Service Recap – By Resident – By Service

Many reports will show a complete list of a resident’s services, but if you’re looking to review a specific service for a resident the report Service Recap – By Resident – By Service can be used. This report allows you to select any time frame for which you would like to review. It will display the instructions for the selected service, scheduled/actual date and time the service was delivered, who charted it, and any notes that were entered for the service. If you need help finding this report in your database, please contact our support team at

Recent Update

Facilities have the option to choose whether or not they would like to have Snap Messages in RTasks purge after a certain amount of time. The Snap Message Inbox screen will now display Retention/Purge information for Nurses and Supervisors if snap message purging is enabled for your facility.

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