RTasks Connect

R​Tasks Connect

Do you need to update resident family members regarding changes in resident care? Do you have paperwork that needs to be signed during your new staff onboarding process? Does your pharmacy need to be made aware of medication changes or needs? ​We recognize that ​communication is crucial to effectively managing your facility.

Overview What is RTasks Connect?

RTasks Connect is a messaging system that promotes communication between the facility and residents, resident families, and staff. It includes the added ability for facilities to obtain electronic signatures on documents.

How is RTasks Connect set up?

Those requesting RTasks Connect should contact the RTasks support team, who will set up a limited database for the ​resident, family member or pharmacy​. Access would be granted to an administrative user who then can create additional users within the database.

How do ​eSignature​s fit in?

The e​Signature​s function​ allow​s​ you to capture ​electronic ​signatures on ​RTasks ​documents. This is done in a secure, encrypted format that can be authenticated.​ This feature pairs with RTasks Connect so that facilities will be able to offer an easier way to obtain ​signatures on agreements, contracts and staff paperwork.

What is the cost of ​RTasks Connect​ (including eSignatures)?

Great news! RTasks Connect is included in your contract at no additional cost.

​Benefits of RTasks Connect:

  • Helps you communicate important information securely and privately.
  • Provides a HIPAA-compliant method of communication.
  • Opens the doors of communication with resident family members,​ staff,​ and pharmacies.​
  • Offers electronic signatures on important documents.
  • Provides easy access to signed documents.
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4 Easy Steps to Getting Started with RTasks

Sometimes it's hard to make a change. Other times, the process is so easy, you wonder why you didn't make the change sooner.

Getting started with RTasks at your facility is easier than you think.

It just takes four simple steps:

  1. Schedule a 15-minute introductory chat with one of our Sales Specialists.
  2. Book a 60-minute software demo for a general overview of RTasks.
  3. Request your customized RTasks price proposal.
  4. Sign and return the contract to begin your RTasks journey.

If you’re ready to partner with the RTasks Team and minimize your survey stress, now is the perfect time to take the first step. Book a discovery call today.

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