Pharmacy Connect – Outbound Fax

We recognize that pharmacy communication is vital.

The Pharmacy Connect – Outbound Fax feature offers tools and resources that advise pharmacists of important facility data such as refill requests, individual status changes, rejected medications, discontinued medications, changes to orders, etc., all via scheduled faxes.

Overview How does Pharmacy Connect - Outbound Fax work?

Each pharmacy can specify the type of data that they would like to have faxed. A pharmacy report would be created and viewed in the pharmacy dashboard. This report will also be faxed on a scheduled basis directly to the pharmacy at predetermined intervals set by RTasks and the pharmacy.

Is there an additional cost for this feature to the pharmacy?

This is a service that we provide to the pharmacy and the RTasks client at no charge.

What setup needs to occur for the Pharmacy Connect – Outbound Fax feature to be enabled?

The RTasks support team handles the setup. Essentially, this is done by creating a database for your pharmacy and setting up a fax server on the backend of the software.

What are the main benefits of Pharmacy Connect – Outbound Fax?

  • Pharmacies will receive important information from the facility on a regular basis, using faxing (already a normal workflow process in most pharmacies).
  • Pharmacy Connect – Outbound Fax provides pharmacy staff with key insights critical to providing excellent service: refill requests, resident admissions and discharges, rejected or discontinued meds etc. This may greatly improve communication between facility and pharmacy.
  • The RTasks reports available for Pharmacy Connect – Outbound Fax are customizable based upon your pharmacy’s needs.
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4 Easy Steps to Getting Started with RTasks

Sometimes it's hard to make a change. Other times, the process is so easy, you wonder why you didn't make the change sooner.

Getting started with RTasks at your facility is easier than you think.

It just takes four simple steps:

  1. Schedule a 15-minute introductory chat with one of our Sales Specialists.
  2. Book a 60-minute software demo for a general overview of RTasks.
  3. Request your customized RTasks price proposal.
  4. Sign and return the contract to begin your RTasks journey.

If you’re ready to partner with the RTasks Team and minimize your survey stress, now is the perfect time to take the first step. Book a discovery call today.

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