RTasks provides our users with a group of standard incident types with questions (falls, med errors, elopement, other injuries). Users can incorporate process questions in the incident as well, reminding staff of the correct procedure for handling the incident. Also, RTasks has an extensive audit reporting tool for things like fire drills and kitchen inspections, supplying you with an audit history.
Alerts and/or the Login reports are used to inform admins, nurses and supervisors of recorded incidents that are awaiting a supervisory review. Review questions can prompt the reviewers to document additional assessment and notifications as well as interventions and follow-up actions to prevent future incidents. Even after the incident has been documented and reviewed, users are still able to add +Notes to indicate any late-breaking updates to the original incident.
Incident reporting can range from the broad summary reports (total number of incidents by type for a given period) to the report of a specific incident or users can drill down a specific question using the Incident Analysis report. Where did falls occur, across all residents, for a given period of time? RTasks can effectively allow you to slice and dice information for ease in interpretation. Other incident reports include falls tracking, fall incident summary, fall per 1000 days, and incident history.