Medication, eMAR, Pharmacy

Medication Management

We provide a comprehensive electronic medication administration record (eMAR) system, starting from receiving and reviewing medication information from the pharmacy to charting medication administration or declination. Our system ensures controlled medication management, documents medications taken out of the facility by residents on leave, and allows for documenting medication destruction upon discharge or discontinuation of the medication. It also assists in drug diversion prevention and provides accountability throughout every step of the process.

Pharmacy Connect

Pharmacy Connect offers a one-way integration with your pharmacy that  reconciles medications between facility and pharmacy.  The nurse retains the ability to review and process meds, as he/she knows best the resident preferences and degree of instruction needed for delegating med administration to staff.


Printed MARs make EHR-believers out of even the most ardent of paper MAR devotees – crisp, clean, legible and complete.  Declinations, held meds, and associated notes all appear on the completed MAR.  Ancillary reports give the nurse a heads up to missed or declined meds and PRN meds given (including their effectiveness). 


RTasks provides a full complement of tools useful in the management of resident medications.  Medication entry and eMAR are the very core of RTasks functionality. Additional features create a complete system, informing nurses and supervisors of medication discrepancies, missed charting, medication refusals, PRN medications given, pill count discrepancies, and more.

  • Medication discrepancies
  • Missed charting
  • Medication refusals
  • PRN medications given
  • Pill count discrepancies

Medication Management

At its core, medication management is the process of ensuring residents receive the medications they need in a safe and timely manner. With RTasks, nurses can do the initial entry and medication setup, then safely delegate the administration and documentation of scheduled and unscheduled medications. Staff have, at their fingertips, medication-specific instructions, medication policies and procedures, and links to national websites.  Nurses can easily review PRN medication administration and medication efficacy, review declined medications, be alerted to medications sent out of the facility with residents, be alerted to pill count discrepancies, and keep track of disposed and discharged medications along with a medication history and pill count history. 

Pharmacy Connect

RTasks interfaces with pharmacy software to create a seamless transition and medication reconciliation between pharmacy and facility. When a medication order is sent to the pharmacy, it is transferred electronically to RTasks. RTasks filters any redundancies, and then presents medications to the facility nurse for review. Whether it’s an existing medication with changes or a new medication, nurses have complete control over the schedule and instructions. Once the medication is processed, it appears on the schedule for staff to administer. Reports are available to identify medications imported through the pharmacy.  


Caregivers chart medications per resident in real time. Only the medications to be given at a specific time will appear on the caregivers’ to-do list.  Medications can be marked as administered or declined. If a medication is declined, a note is required. Nurses can also require a note for specified medications like insulin (e.g., injection site or patch location, pain level). Nurses can also opt to have staff verify medications prior to administration. As needed or PRN medications alert staff if being given too soon, require a reason for administration, and will auto-populate a follow-up service to document efficacy. 

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4 Easy Steps to Getting Started with RTasks

Sometimes it's hard to make a change. Other times, the process is so easy, you wonder why you didn't make the change sooner.

Getting started with RTasks at your facility is easier than you think.

It just takes four simple steps:

  1. Schedule a 15-minute introductory chat with one of our Sales Specialists.
  2. Book a 60-minute software demo for a general overview of RTasks.
  3. Request your customized RTasks price proposal.
  4. Sign and return the contract to begin your RTasks journey.

If you’re ready to partner with the RTasks Team and minimize your survey stress, now is the perfect time to take the first step. Book a discovery call today.

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